Every October there is a World Mental Health Day. This year the new proactive approach to mental health and mental wellness was covered by Jenny Darmody in siliconrepublic.com in the mental wellness article entitled 'How to improve mental health in the workplace'.
In this article, mental wellness pioneer Dr. Helena Lass comments: "By giving mental wellness its rightful place in the corporate wellbeing culture, we can begin to start normalising the situation. Mental wellness is always based on personal initiative and, at the moment, it is up to employers to provide access to such intrapersonal education, as only then employees can learn to take control over their own actions, mental health, and work results.”
Mental wellness as the pathway to sustainable work culture
In the article, Dr. Lass states: “If your employees use their heads to work, then the mental tool is their main asset and driver of productivity. Side by side with emotion management, this is the second major component of mental wellness. It spans over many areas, such as the ability to express ideas clearly, ability to calm the mind, information processing, use of memory, managing your actions in time, ability to plan and visualise.”
We call such inner skills that everyone can obtain intrapersonal skills. Those skills are awareness-based skills and applicable in all areas of work.
When your employees learn to use intrapersonal skills in their daily work situations, you can secure a sustainable work culture.
When the proactive mental wellness approach becomes a priority for everyone in your team, the work results will improve.
In case your employees use mainly their heads to work, then the mental toolbox consisting of intrapersonal skills becomes their main asset and driver of productivity. That is why we developed world-class mental health training courses that enable you to train your brightest minds (click on the training image to find out more).
Every single Wellness Orbit e-training is taught to you and your employees in a way that is simple, practical, and most importantly, creates more mental fitness and improves productivity. That means that you can use more of your team's inner resources and be more productive.
As Dr. Lass puts it: "Knowledge of how to deal with inner problems should be actively encouraged and provided in a proactive and pre-emptive manner. After all, what is the use of an employee with a healthy body and unproductive mind?”
What is generally unnoticed is that stress is the major pathway to mental health issues, thus improving your work culture and employee engagement needs to start with stress reduction.
Would you love to take a free stress test?
This proactive approach to mental wellness that we offer for your team is unique and not available in digital format anywhere else.
You are welcome to test your stress level for free and as a bonus, you can also enjoy a short 23-minute video about some key aspects that you should know before you come face-to-face with performing under pressure.